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  1. General informations
    Company name: One life group
    Legal form: SAS
    Address: 33 Rue de Prony 75017 Paris
    Telephone: 01 89 71 01 10

  2. Accommodation
    Name of the host: IONOS
    Address of the host: Elgendorfer Straße 57 56410 Montabaur Germany
    Email of the host:

  3. Intellectual property
    All elements of the One life Group website are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of One life Group. Any reproduction, exploitation, distribution or use, even partial, is therefore prohibited without the express prior authorization of One Life Group.

  4. Hypertext links
    The One life Group website may contain hypertext links to other websites. One life Group cannot be held responsible for the content of these websites, nor for any damage they may cause.

  5. Personal data
    The personal information collected on the One life Group website is only intended for the exclusive use of One life Group. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right, you can send an email to the following address:

  6. Cookies
    The One life Group website uses cookies to improve the user experience.
    By continuing to browse the site, you agree to the use of these cookies. 
    However, you can disable them in your browser settings.

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